Although this is not really a renovation frustration, it is a bit of a frustration about this site.
Here in Townsville very few businesses seem to be very Internet friendly and it is almost impossible to find Townsville specific information, especially from the renovation and building industry. One of the things that I was hoping to do with this site was to provide at least what little information I had about contractors, renovations, etc. for people searching for it on the Internet.
Well for some reason Google has Sandboxed this site and no longer lists it under any search terms. Sandboxing is when Google for some reason just stops refering people to a site. Almost all of my traffic to this site was througg Google, up until a few weeks ago when I noticed that the traffic just stopped to where quite a few days I would get zero visitors.
Unfortunately there is no quick way to fix this and the only way that I can see if to sit back, keep writing, and wait a few months for Google to pick up the site again…