In choosing our new bathroom taps we actually decided to choose to get mixers, instead of individual taps. Our builder actually reckons that mixers require less maintenance, last longer and generally work better than separate taps do. Tamara and I personally think that they look better as well.
Our vanity mixer looks good and is working pretty well so far. Caleb unfortunately couldn’t reach it as first, as it is a bit high, so we got hime a new bathroom stool. Now he handles it pretty well, but it was a bit of a learning curve for him as apposed to the separate taps.
We got a similar looking mixer for the bath and shower with a built in diverted for the shower.
For the faucet in the bath we got a faucet that could rotate or pivot. We thought that this would be good to get it out of the way when we bath the kids, but it has also proven to be helpful for us as well. Having the faucet pivoted out of the way while showering allows a bit more room in the shower and saves me from banging my shins on the faucet.
Full bathroom photos should be coming soon, but Tamara keeps telling me that the bathroom isn’t complete until the towel rails are up. Currently the new towel rails are on order, so when they finally get installed we will be posting our new bathroom photos.