While some of us find he assembly of IKEA furniture and accessories an easy exercise, it is not easy for everyone.
There are quite a few services out there that have cropped up to help with get their flat pack furniture assembled. This can include furniture from:
- Ikea
- OfficeWorks
- Super Amart
- Freedom
- Bunnings
- etc.
There is such a demand for assembling IKEA furniture that they even offer it as a service directly at the checkout counters at our local IKEA store in Adelaide. The prices vary from a starting fee of $70, up to 25% of the total retail price for things like wardrobes and kitchens.
Full details of the service offered by IKEA can be found on their web-site here.
Is this a service that you would pay for, or do you find most flat packed furniture to be easy to assemble and build?
Sometimes the simplest things mean the most.
Esay to assemble furniture thats the good