Last month we put a post in the local free trading paper about some old security screens, western cedar Venetian blinds and a Roman blind that we pulled out of our old house. We can’t use any of them here at our new house,even after we raise and built in under, so we figured that we would sell them off.
The paper came out yesterday and we have had six calls already about them in the last two days. Five of them have made times to come and have a look at them. I took off a bit early from work today to meet three different people at our house at 5:00 who wanted to buy screens. Only one person showed up. The day before I had set up to meet with two people, only one of which showed up, 1 and a half hour late. It’s a bit frustrating and I am wondering if it’s really worth the aggravation to sell this stuff.
Yesterday I was also supposed to meet with a builder and our house lifter at our home at 4:30, so again I left work a bit early, and again they never showed up. Not even a phone call. This definitely makes me a bit disappointed as the house lifter has been very good up to this point. I’m going to have to call him this week to see what happened and to get a price on the building that will happen under house after it’s been raised and restumped.