With Canada Day just around the corner I was wondering about putting up a flag on the house to celebrate. There are a few flag poles around the community, including one at the Fijian Consulate, which is a house in our neighbourhood.
Given the local council’s tendency to regulate as much as they can here I was curious about what the restrictions that they have to having a residential flagpole at your house.
Best I can tell from a few local council web-sites as far as limitations for a residential flag pole are as follows:
- Standalone flagpole must not exceed 10-metres in height
- Flagpoles attached to a building you are limited to 4-metres above the top most point of the building it’s attached to
- Heights that exceed these require development approval
To be honest those limitations are not as bad as I thought they would be, I expected a shorter height to be required.
These are just guidelines that I have found, if you are planning to put up your own flag pole I would recommend contacting your local council to find out what their own regulations are.
Image source: CANADA FLAG 3 x 5 foot